Difference between cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting and sanitizing
In recent times, we often hear and use these words: clean, sanitize, disinfect and sanitize but we do not always use the terms correctly.
Glove2Go with the help of the authoritative document “Interim Recommendations on Sanitizing Non-Healthcare Facilities in the Current COVID-19 Emergency: Surfaces, Indoor Environments, and Clothing” from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità wants to help clarify the difference between these processes.“
Cleaning is the simplest procedure. It consists of removal of dust and residues, removal of visible dirt using cleaning products that remove dirt and some of the pathogens by mechanical or physical action.
This procedure consists of deeper cleaning using substances to remove pathogens or harmful substances present. This action is a mandatory step before disinfecting and sterilizing, because dirt is full of microorganisms that actively multiply and could compromise the activity of disinfectants.
Some sanitizing substances (e.g., sodium hypochlorite or bleach) are active against pathogens, but are not considered disinfectants because they are not authorized by the Ministry of Health as medical-surgical devices.
This is the procedure used to destroy the microbial load of an environment, surface and/or instrument. In this case, it is mandatory to use disinfectant products authorized by the Ministry of Health, whose efficacy against different microorganisms must be mandatorily stated on the label.
In case the disinfectant succeeds in inactivating the total quota of pathogens, it would be called sterilization.
This is certainly the most complex procedure and generally entrusted to specialized companies. It is a set of actions aimed at making an environment healthy. It consists of carrying out the previous three activities: the cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting and improving environmental conditions (microclimate: temperature, the humidity and ventilation).